In the third series of the series of seminars we started as Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association, Şanlıurfa AFAD Rescue Technician Cemal Yıldız was the guest with his presentation on “Applied Disaster Awareness and First Aid”. In the seminar that proceeded under the moderation of Ahmet El Cerad, a member of our association; ‘What is first aid? How is first aid administered? What should be done in great natural forgiveness such as earthquake? Topics such as “What should not be done?” were discussed. In the seminar, which was followed with great interest by the participants, there were also practical moments. How to administer first aid to someone who has suddenly become ill? Yıldız, who asked the question, answered this question practically. Yıldız said that first aid or first aid to anyone is vitally important, with the following words:

“Yes, friends, first aid is an important issue that everyone should know. Because we all experience accidents, sudden worsening, etc. We may experience moments when first aid information is needed. In such moments, it is very important to keep our calm and intervene in the right way. If we are trained in first aid, for example, we know how to save someone who is stuck in a car as a result of an accident from that car. Or we can do CPR on someone who is having a heart attack and save their life. For this reason, it is very important and even necessary to have first aid or first aid knowledge. Because we can say; Correct intervention saves lives. ”

He mentioned the importance of first aid knowledge with his words; stressed the need for such an education. Later in the seminar, a question-answer section was held in an interactive form; participants asked Yıldız about this subject; He shared his experience in this field. Yıldız also answered these questions and listened to the experiences of the participants first hand. Our third seminar series, which was followed with great interest by the participants and asked a lot of questions, especially in practical moments, ended in this way. We would like to thank Cemal Yıldız, who contributed to us on such an important issue, our association member Ahmet El Cerad for his moderation, and all our participants who followed our seminar with interest. Wishing to have information for healthy days…

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