CASORATE SEMPIONE – Attention to disability and a commitment to inclusion, as well as the discovery of new cultures. Social and social cohesion, they speak different languages but send the same signal. This is how the final phase of the Erasmus+ project, which has just been completed at Casorate Sempione, can be summarized. Boys aged 18-28 from three different countries, Lithuania, Turkey and Germany, came together in the Laura Prati room on September 19 and received their certificates after a week of initiatives, activities together and fun.
With the Erasmus+ project introduced at the European level, Casorate also had the opportunity to invite people to discover and combine different cultures. And that’s exactly what has happened lately. At the centre, the issue is as sensitive as social inclusion and disability. This was developed through special events and moments together. It’s like meeting Paralympic water ski champion Daniele Cassioli, who has been blind since birth. Or those involving Ite Tosi’s Eurodesk project Varese’s Cfpil. Until the realization of a video called “The Guide” starring a blind boy guiding Casorate. All of this resulted in a round of applause today, including an exchange of thanks and gifts before leaving for the homecoming.
Disability and inclusion
The current councilor representing the Lombardy Region was Emanuele Monti. “We have invested heavily in engagement,” he said. “Especially with a broad plan devoted to infrastructures to facilitate the daily life of people with disabilities. Because it is a very important subject ». Then, to broaden our perspective to the healthcare system to highlight “a commitment to invest in research through new tools and software from an innovative perspective”. Mayor Dimitri Cassani: «The Erasmus+ project is very interesting. We are also working with the support of the Region, which proposes an ongoing program for the removal of architectural barriers and social inclusion. Including that of different peoples, because we are all part of the same reality ».
The spirit of the project
Casoratese contact person for the project is Stefani Passerini, Social Services Manager, who accompanies the children to carry out the same experience abroad. The last trip was to Turkey. The work of the members of the junta next to him. In particular, councilors Fausta Battaglia 8 Social Services) and Laura Valsecchi (Culture and Youth Policy).