Members of the board of the Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association operating in Şanlıurfa went to Italy for the Erasmus+ project “Know me by my abilities not my disability”. hosted by Italy; Members of the Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association represented Turkey in the project with participants from countries such as Germany and Lithuania. In the one-week project, the participants focused on the issues that should not be focused on obstacles and that it is important to know individuals with their abilities. In addition, a visually impaired athlete participated in the program as a guest; He shared his personal life story with the participants and emphasized the moments when he was successful in these stories. At this moment, where the title of the project was discussed through a concrete story, the participants expressed that the existing obstacles do not constitute an obstacle to success. In the project, which includes experiential learning methods and the principle of ‘learning to learn’; Participants from different cultures organized an event called “Culture Night” where each group introduced the unique aspects of their own culture. In the event, the members of the Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association introduced the culture of Turkey through Turkish cuisine. In the following days, the members of the Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association board members attended the opening of their partner OHANA Association in Italy. At the opening held in Novara, Italy; Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association President Rukiye Güler presented a plaque to OHANA Association President Anna Ida Russo; He emphasized the importance of possible partnerships in the future. In addition, the members of the Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association visited the “Girasole Associazione Di Volontariato” association, which carries out projects with individuals with special needs, in Sempione and formed a partnership to write projects together. At the same time, the SUGDER team, which met with the Mayor of Italy-Cosorate Sempione, presented the mayor of the Cosorate Sempione with a gift unique to Şanlıurfa; invited the mayor to Şanlıurfa. The program ended with the mayor presenting a YouthPass Certificate to all participants.

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